Friday, December 5, 2014

Thursday, December 4- Unrequited Love

       Unnoticed Storm

My love for him is like a raging storm

The skies are cloudy and removed from color

All it takes is one moment to transform

Chaos becomes the instant destructor

His smooth smile the first fatal raindrop

Her the first crash of thunder from the top

Eventually the storm grows weaker

Until it is a transparent heartbreaker

Nothing is noticed nothing remembered

Only the soft give on the ground is left

Nothing is noticed nothing is remembered

His brightly colored skies are the storm’s theft

Only I know of my love that storms

Raging on while he is only of norm

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tuesday, December 2- Top Secret

                                                        Inside Threats
                     Snow is coming down hard outside. Schools are canceled and most people do not go to work. My husband however, must given he works at CTU. Today there is apparently an emergency at his work. He decides to take a quick shower before heading off and I try to fall back asleep. All of the sudden I hear his voice over the shower. He is having a conversation obviously on the phone. I try to ignore it but I can't help but listen. I sit up and stare at the bathroom  door as I listen. "Yes," he says in a grim tone. "They were working inside the White House." he pauses. I am more interested now. "Where is the President?" I hear a bang on the wall. He is obviously frustrated. "Protect the President these terrorists are inside the White House disguised with a bomb." The door suddenly opens and he runs out frantically, fully dressed. The shower is still on. I sit on the bed shocked. What is happening? Terrorists inside the white house? I try to call my husband numerous times within an hour. No answer. I become more and more fearful. The news reports five deaths in the White House. The terrorists have revealed themselves. I wait all day, helpless. Where is my husband? Is he okay? Where is the President? All day I watch the news as they instruct people to stay inside. This is Washington, D.C. after all; the place of these disheartening events. More deaths are reported. I keep trying to call my husband with no answer as my reply each time. The Marine Core is on site unable to find the bomb. After hours they finally find the final members of the terrorist group inside the White House. They will not give away the location of the bomb.
                                                      THE NEXT DAY

                    The bomb went off inside the Presidential Bunker at exactly 12:00 p.m.  There was one member of the terrorist group disguised. He was head of the secret service. He died along with everyone else in the bunker. The President included. The Vice President was sworn in last night on his plane flying home from England. My husband never returned home. I sit shocked with fear and sadness. How could this happen? What is the fate our country?

Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday, November 21-Ekphrasis

                                                 Girl with a Pearl Earring

Painted By :Johanne Vermeer
                                                      The girl is alone
                                                         she ran away                            
                                                  away from her problems
                                                  away from her husband
                                                     he can't find her
                                                she has nothing left
                                             nothing but the pearl earrings
                                                           nothing else


      - information on the famous painting

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday, November 20-Emotions

                                            No Voices

       There is a constant battle in my head between all other emotions and anger. They are not little, separate voices in my head; they are my own thoughts and feelings. I hate the sound of people eating. I never know if I am just disgusted or angry. Most of the time it is both. My anger usually wins the battle over joy. For example, anger creeps in when people invade my personal space. I could choose to find good in the situation but, anger always wins. The one thing anger never wins to is fear. Fear throws itself at me when I see a bug or watch a scary movie. I could just be angry about the situation and toughen up sadly, you will find me running away in fear. Anger and sadness are often the same thing for me. I am sad when I am angry and vise versa. In the end, anger seems to be my most prominent emotion. It is not a little voice; it is just me.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Tuesday, November 18- Treason and Historical Fiction

October 14, 1912
                    An unemployed saloonkeeper shot (former) president Theodore Roosevelt as he was about to give a 90-minute speech. Instead of heading straight to the hospital, Roosevelt insisted on still delivering the speech. He slowly asked the people to be as quiet as possible. Secondly, he said, "I don't know whether you fully understand I have been shot." The audience looked at him with shocked and terrified faces as he continued with his speech. He explained how the papers of his speech might of saved his life. He ignored the please from the crowd for him to go to the hospital until he was finished with his shorter yet effective speech. Roosevelt then continued to the hospital. His attempted assailant was captured and declared guilty and mentally ill in trial. The bullet was decided to be kept inside of Roosevelt for it was safer to do so. Roosevelt lived up to the quote of the editor-in-chief of Outlook," Roosevelt is an electric battery of inexhaus Roosevelt Assassination Attempttible energy.                                                                     

Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday, November 27- FOUND Poem


                                                How will I get out?
                                              How will I get home?
                                                   I have no way
                                                   I have a plan
                                                I'm coming home

Friday, November 14, 2014

Thursday, November 13- The Macabre Arts

                    Pain is everywhere. There is no escape. It is crowded. People scream tortuous sounds all around me. We are all starving. We are all dead. They can't save us. No one can.

Friday, November 14- The Berlin Wall

                          The Berlin Wall

         The wall is coming down today. People are running to the wall screaming with joy. They climb over. Some stay and throw or use whatever they can to damage the wall. I am running to the wall and then I climb over. It takes effort, but I manage. I jump down run. I have no idea where to go but, I will find them. I have to find my family. I had the baby right before the wall was built. Then, I was separated from them. I thought it wouldn't be long but it was. Apparently  I am a fascist. That is why they separated us. I run through the wave of people until I see someone. She is my mother. We have an emotional reunion then, she tells me I need to know something. She tells me my husband and baby are dead. The tried to escape over the wall. I sat down and shut my eyes and cried. I had waited all this time for the wall to come down and now I am left with nothing. -link about the Berlin Wall

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday,November 12- The Haunted House

                                                    Just Another Night

                  The Lady waits for the children to get home every night. She hovers in the corner patiently. The children's parents never believe the fright and horror they discover. Tonight they will believe. The Lady waits for the parents today. She waits silently in the corner of the dim bedroom. She waits until they are almost asleep. Then she gracefully floats from her corner and hovers over them as she lets out a blood curdling scream only they can hear. Their eyes fly open in fright and they see The Lady's jagged teeth and transparent eyes. Heir hair which is made of tiny fanged creatures scream with her for the entire night. The screams only get louder and the parents cannot escape. Doors lock and the ignorant parents are paralyzed by The Lady's power. They feel the pain of burning to death but are unmarked. All night this goes on. Until, it stops as soon as the first glimmer of light appears. The parents fly into their children's room and hug them to make sure they are safe and, they also need comfort. They tell their children they believe and the children surprisingly tell them they do not believe them. They must have imagined things. The Lady smiles in her corner, awaiting another night.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Friday, November 7- Ewww....that's creepy!

                                 No Job For You

                                  The man killed her he did
                                       One stab in the chest
                                      One bullet in the head
                                      He took her life, not I
                                        For this, I see red
                                     It is blood that I breath
                                         It is lives that I take
                                        No job for a mortal
                                          What a mistake
                                     He thought he could finally live
                                     without the adulterous wife
                                        But, he will pay the price
                                          He owes me a life

                              The crimson curtains of his living room sway
                                           I smell the life in the air
                                                 Today is the day
                                               It is time for him to go
                                   The smell of rotting flesh fills the air as well
                               I suppose he failed to dispose of his wife
                                   That is the beauty of the way I take lives
                             I don't have to worry about the evidence left behind
                                     One look from me and you are gone
                                   The breath snatched out of your chest
                                  The color drained from your cheeks
                                 And I'm left with one more piece
                                           to this puzzle I am making
                                                   of souls long gone
                                   The man looks at me and fear strikes his face
                                                  then nothing at all
                                              his eyes are left blank

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thursday, October 30- Joan Rivers

                         A Day In the Life of Joan Rivers

  I walk into my latest plastic surgery consultation. My nose isn't quite fitting my face anymore due to my new jawline. Goodness, the people in this waiting room just don't know how to dress themselves do they? What is with the lumpy knitted sweaters? My Prada pumps click on the wooden floor as I walk to Dr. Wilson's office. He argues that my face can't handle anymore plastic surgery. I tell him he will lose a patient if he won't do the surgery. I walk out of the office into my limo feeling accomplished. Off to work. The E! offices are busy this sunny L.A. day. Many people stop and stare as I walk to the Fashion Police set. I change outfits and have my makeup and hair done. I can never wear the same look twice. After hours of insulting people's bad fashion sense, I head home to get ready for a Red Carpet event. I dress in a long, elegant black gown with a fitted white blazer. Yes, I am a fabulous 81 year old. All of the supermodels, actresses, and even Kardashians fight to talk to me. Apparently I am a huge fashion leader in this industry. I have a few bland conversations with poorly dressed rich women and party with Giulianna Rancic for hours. She is one of the few people I actually like. She dresses up to par. I head home, remove my makeup, and dress in silk Chanel button down pajamas. Tomorrow is the day I get my new new nose!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tuesday, October 28 - Character,Setting, Problem

         Tupac and Snoop Dog Go Shopping

Myself and Snoop Dog, my best friend, headed to Toys R' Us to get a birthday present for my nieces seventh birthday. We rode in my golden, jacked up limo of course. I don't understand why I always get so many stares when I walk in places. Maybe I should have worn more gold chains. I also forgot my grill today. "Tupac what we gon' get?" Snoop Dog asked me. "Man, I don't know- maybe they have little kid grills," I said," kids like that right?" Snoop Dog nodded in approval. We asked the employee who worked there where there grills were and if they had any rose gold ones. She gave us a weird look. I don't understand why. I had to keep pulling up my sagging pants as I walked down each isle searching for those darn grills. Sometimes being fashionable is hard. Eventually, Snoop Dog and I got tired of looking for grills. I wanted to stay and keep looking but Snoop Dog just wanted to give her a signed album. "Man, lets head outta here," he said. I ignored him looking in the Barbie isle for grills. He grabbed me by my Tupac brand hoodie and punched me square in the face. Oh it was on now. We fought until I could no longer see and I heard Snoop Dog spitting words at me I hadn't even heard before. "We are giving her a signed album!" Snoop Dog  yelled. "I need to go home so I can count my money!" Snoop Dog walked off yelling more curses at me on his way out. I lay on the floor of Toys R' Us and got arrested once again for "disturbing the peace". Stupid Snoop Dog.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday,October24- X marks the spot

                        The Gold

              "Man, they sure were stupid to leave the door to the captain's door unlocked," I tell Captain Phillips and Jo. We have ransacked our enemies ship. As a result, we left with a good dinner and a treasure map. The route to the treasure map seems rather complicated. It is filled with many twists and turns. For weeks we search for the X. Just when we start to lose hope, I see a faint red stain on the sand. When I move the rocks that are overtop of it, I see it- the giant red X. "Over here!" I scream. My fellow crew members run over and we all stare with wonder at the red X. Captain Phillips demands for us to start digging. We dig for hours and hours until the dark engulfs us. My Captain has the honor of retrieving the wooden treasure box. It is very heavy. We break the lock and peer inside. I am excited to see was treasure is in the box. We will be rich! Together, Captain Phillips, myself, and Jo look into the box. We see....a huge pile of gold! We jump and cheer. Captain Phillips demands for Jo to carry the box into the ship. All of the sudden we here Jo slipping and falling. The who chunks of gold fall into the water. "No!" we all yell. I run over to retrieve the gold from the water and I am relieved when my hands find a pile of gold under the water. I pull the gold up and look at it. All I see is a pile of rocks with left over gold residue.One day later: My crew and I sit sadly. The treasure was nothing but a pile of rocks! Why would our enemies have a treasure map for a pile of rocks? My Captain opens the treasure box one more time hoping real gold will somehow appear. "Oh I see something!" he says. We all get our hopes up. He pulls out a piece of paper and reads "Gotcha -the enemy,". Our enemy ship tricked always.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thursday,Oct.23-Thats punny

              This is not a PUN
       I can't think of any puns because I am awful at puns. They are never punny. Instead, I shall talk about how bad I am at puns for a few minutes. Once I was forced to participate in a best pun contest... I submitted ten awful puns in hope one would win. How many won? No pun in ten did.  I wish I had a photographic memory so I could remember each pun I came across. Maybe then I would be great at puns.  My uncle once had a photographic memory sadly, it never fully developed. I don't want to talk about my awful ability to create puns anymore. It is making me upset. Lets talk about baked goods shall we? I used to get the best baked goods from my friend's bakery. Unfortunately , it burnt down. Now her business is toast. Speaking of unfortunate accidents as far as cooks go, have you heard about that chef? He pasta way. Wow, I am very off subject from what this was supposed to be about. Have a great fall! Okay, more off subject.... I am just going to leaf.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Tuesday,October 21- Deja Vu

                                Who Are You?

The old man looked extremely familiar to Caroline as she continued to stare. She was at Whole Foods grocery shopping when she had stopped to cart when she saw the old man. He had silver grey hair and green eyes. Something about him was so familiar. It was frustrating Caroline couldn’t remember what or who. It wasn’t her grandparents… Maybe she had seen him in a movie. Caroline and the old man made awkward eye contact given Caroline had been staring at the man for a solid five minutes. Caroline looked down and walked away. Who did that man remind her of? It was driving Caroline crazy. He was definitely a stranger; Caroline did not know him in anyway. When Caroline got home she described the man to her mother and asked if he was familiar. Caroline’s mom simply said he seemed like any old man. Caroline’s mom told her she was probably experiencing déjà vu. This seemed to happen to Caroline often. She was tired of her mind playing tricks on her…or maybe that old man really did remind her of someone. Who could it be?

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Thursday, Octorber 16- Rain


      I love rain. I love to stay at home, relaxed, with a warm cup of coffee and a movie listening to the pitter patter of rain drops falling from the sky. The best time for it to rain is at night. Thunderstorms bring the most soothing sound despite their angry front. The sound of the rain drops hitting the roof and the ground is what I would prefer to fall asleep to every night. I actually like the way rain looks as its falling. However, I hate the mud and the nasty smell it leaves. So no, I do not love everything about rain but, it is one of my favorite things.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wednesday, October 15- I remember when...

     What happened to the children?
                             I remember when children were not so dependent on technology
                                          There was a time when children drew,
                                                  used their imagination
                                 There was a time a car ride did not require a tablet
                                         When boredom could be solved with a board game
                             When children would play outside until they could no longer see
                                  They get the technology obsession from their examples......
                                          Did you know children used to read?
                                                Not the directions in a game
                                                     Not off of a screen
                                                  They read off of pages!
                                                 I remember that time........

Friday, October 10, 2014

Friday, October 10- Pet Peeve

                    PET PEEVE
                        I hate to hear people chewing their food or scraping their utensils on their teeth/ plate while they are eating. It is disgusting and I have to leave the room. I get very angry. The sound is the nastiest thing I have ever heard. So please, eat politely. and quietly. (This is an actual neurological disorder)

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tuesday, October 7- The Flip Side


                          Them:   That girl is not responsible
                                        She's only fifteen
                                 How can we trust her with children?
                                       The girl is just a teen
                            She doesn't care about the children or the church
                                     So she is no longer invited
                                  to take part in teaching our children
                                    Let's relieve her of her position
                                        I bet she is excited

                            Me:  Oh how I care for the kids I teach
                                         I don't want to go
                                     The parents are infuriated
                                 The church's decision is causing a show
                                        No, I'm not eighteen
                                    but does that really matter?
                           My class on Sunday never even caused a clatter
                                   Now I have to leave my kids that I teach
                                     I am far from excited
                           The very people who encouraged me to serve
                                    proclaimed me uninvited

Monday, October 6, 2014

Monday, October 6- Persona Poem

                                                                   I wake up for another day of work
                                                                         I don't even consider my work "work"
                    It is more a hobby that I get paid for
                           The makeup is put on
                        The eyebrows are groomed
                                      I wear Chanel
                                              I walk
                              Interviews are taken
                                      so are pictures
                            The makeup is taken off
                                             I sleep
                                      until tomorrow

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Thursday, October 2- The Frog Prince

                                           The Witch and The Frog Prince                 

                 One day a prince was walking along the bank of a river when he stumbled across a beautiful girl who was so beautiful she had to be a princess. She had black hair and pale skin with piercing blue eyes. She kept throwing a golden ball in the air. All of the sudden the ball slipped out of her hand and rolled toward the prince. He picked it up and quickly devised a plan. "Is this your ball princess?" he asked. The girl looked at him and said, "Yes,  thank you for retrieving it for me." She held out a hand but he did not give back the golden ball. The prince saw she was confused and smiled as he said, "If you want your ball back, you must promise to marry me. I have been searching for a princess like you." The girl tried to snatch the ball from him but he held it back. So, she agreed to marry him. They went back to his castle and on that day they had their wedding. "You may kiss your bride!" The priest says to the prince. The prince and the girl kissed. The prince  fell to the ground. His skin turned green and his hands became webbed. His body shrunk until the prince was no longer there; only a nasty green frog was left. The girl retrieved the golden ball from the pocket of his coat which was now discarded on the ground. "I am not in fact a princess, I am a witch," she looked at the prince with her icy blue eyes, "You should really stop assuming things. Now, because you refused to give my golden ball back to me I have cursed you with my kiss. The curse can only be reversed if you convince another girl to marry you . Have a great new life." The witch threw her golden ball in the air and disappeared with a flash. The slimy green frog prince hopped off, terrified.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wednesday, October 1- Fairytale Character

                                                      The Little Mermaid

                                                       Ariel loved the sea
                                      however, there was more she could be                                
                                The Little Mermaid saved a prince on his birthday
                                        this prince was very special to Ariel
                                        so she went to the evil sea witch, Ursula
                             for Ursula was the only one who could give Ariel legs
                                          Ariel got her legs but it came with a price
                               she lost her voice, the voice the prince fell in love with
                        When Prince Eric and Ariel meet again, he does not recognize her
                                           she could not sing or speak
                                 only a true loves kiss could save Ariel from Ursula
                                      Ursula fooled the prince with a disguise
                                     Ariel thought she had lost everything 
                                     Ariel's dad tries to save her and wins
           All of Ursula's prisoners were free and Ariel was exactly who she was supposed to be
                                    She got her legs and her beautiful voice
                            Prince Eric and The Little Mermaid lived happily ever after
                               (information on The Little Mermaid)

Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday, September 29- I'm weirded out

                     As soon as I arrived, I could tell something was out of place. I had just walked downstairs because I though I heard someone open our garage door. My parents were both at work and would not be home for another four hours. I walked around and noticed that a fresh, cold glass of water was on the counter. I called for my Dad because he could possibly be home. He had training that day. Nobody answered. A feeling of terror suddenly arrived in my heart. I quickly ran upstairs and locked myself in my bathroom. I tried to call both my parents and neither answered. This was also a sign they were still at work. I heard heavy foot steps walking around downstairs and I called for my dad again praying it was him. There was still no answer. I got as far away from the door as possible when footsteps started towards the door of my bathroom. I again called out for my dad because I could not accept the reality someone who I did not know was in my house. No answer. I screamed when the door started shaking and then relief flooded me when I heard my dad say, "Open the door, you're crazy." He told me he was joking with me. It worked, I was scared out of my mind. I was so thankful that nobody was really there.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thursday, September 25 - Bad Mistake

                                              The Goldfish
                              Drake and Josh was my favorite show when I was in third grade. It still would be if it was still on to be honest. One day when I was my eight year old third grade self, I was watching Drake and Josh upstairs in my room when I suddenly had the strong urge to have some goldfish. I wanted to watch Drake and Josh but I also wanted to goldfish so bad. I knew I wasn't aloud to have food or any type of drink upstairs but, as soon as it was commercial break I tiptoed down our carpeted stairs to our pantry sneaking past the living room where my parents were. I opened to pantry door and quickly opened the bag of goldfish and got a huge handful. As I was walking up the stairs with my overflowing handful of goldfish, I smiled thinking I was just so smooth. I continued to watch Drake and Josh for about ten more minutes stuffing my face with the goldfish when my dad barged into my room. Immediately, I shoved to goldfish under the covers on my bed and my dad calmly asked me if I had food up hear. "No," I had replied, my voice shaking.  He asked why he saw a trail of goldfish going up the stairs with my dog following. I said I didn't know. It's a shame I didn't have any siblings at that time to blame the goldfish on. He asked me to stand up and as soon as I did he peeling back the covers on my bed exposing the goldfish. He was very strict on no food or drink upstairs. Not even water. This was a major mistake and the fact I lied to him made it even worse. I wasn't aloud to watch Drake and Josh for the rest of that month and I had my bedtime moved back. This is awful for an eight year old. Now that I'm in high school my dad still talks about that incident almost every week. I wish I had never done that because it is quite annoying to have my dad still talk about it.  I wish I was more sneaky with my small crime.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wednesday, September 24- Endearing Quality

                                 Endearing Quality
              I am a very loving person. I am very committed in my relationships. My friends and family are very important to me and I feel it's important to be nice and accepting to everybody. I am likely to pick up on if something is not going well with a person before anybody else. I have very few relationships because I think it is important to really get to know a person and make time for them.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday, September 23- Strange Fruit

                     Dragon Fruit

                          This is actually not strange to me at all. This fruit is called a dragon fruit. It is actually quite good. The texture is that of the inside of a grape and it has a very mild, sweet taste. It is an Asian fruit and is actually very common there. The reason I do not think it is weird is because I am half Vietnamese and have grown up eating this. It has tiny seeds on the inside that are fine to eat. The taste on the inside is rather disappointing given the vibrant look on the outside. LINK TO INFORMATION ON DRAGON FRUIT

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tuesday, September 16 - The Spoon's Perspective

                                                    The Spoon

                        Everyday I lay in this drawer awaiting the horror that is being used to eat by these nasty humans. Some days they do not pick me up depending on how recently I have been washed. Oh no the burning light is back! This means they are opening the drawer. Today I am the first spoon in the pile. I silently scream as the grubby hands of the small child pick me up and dump me into the cold, sticky yogurt. It smells rather bad and I can't seen a thing except the cloud of pink. However, this is far better than peanut butter. The child takes for ever to eat and it keeps using me as a drumstick on the table. This is my life. Pure torture everyday. This is not even the worst part of the process. The worst is what comes next. The vicious storm of water I will be thrown into. The child throws me into the sink and I make a loud sound as I hit the bottom.  All day I sit in silence in the smelly sink until it in finally night. Hands are coming towards me. These are the hands I hate the most. The hands of the child's mother. She picks me up, runs scolding hot water over me and dumps me into the small basket in the dishwater with my other friends. We all sit grimly in silence as a the door to the dreadful machine closes. I hear buttons being pushed then it starts; oh the horror. I still am just as scared every time as the angry waves of water and burning soap engulf me. I hear my friends screaming. The spatula has the most raw horrible scream. She is new. This is her first time being washed. The water burns for what seems like eternity. The screams of me and my friends turn into whimpers. Eventually, it stops. We are all left sitting cold, wet and violated. The woman pulls us all out one by one, dries us off and throws us back in the dark drawer that we call home. I sigh and wait for the next day. I wait for the vicious cycle to start up again as it always does.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday, September 15 - What the Deuce?

                                        La Mariee

      La Mariee or "The Bride" in French is a very complex painting. Marc Chagall did not usually use such contrasting colors in his pieces, but this particular piece was meant to capture your attention. The bride is wearing a bright red dress with a traditional white veil and flowers. She stands out because it is as if she is be presented directly to the viewer of the piece. Compared to the rest of the picture, she is rather bright. The rest of the picture is very blue and muted. The characters seem to be celebrating the bride. Perhaps this is how Marc Chagall viewed his fiancée who, at the time, was separated from him. The piece is very beautiful and a stand out in Chagall's collective works.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thurday, September 11- Music Critic

       "Pumped up Kicks" by Foster the People

                                  "Pumped up Kicks" by Foster the People is a good song if you are just paying attention to the music. It has a very indie - alternative vibe to it. That being said, the song's lyric's require understanding. Foster the People have no comment on if the song is about a specific person in the group or someone they knew. The song is about "Robert" (a metaphor for any angry- crazy kid overwhelmed with these feelings). His home life is awful, he has an abusive father and Robert is jealous of "all the other kids with the pumped up kicks" are the normal kids with lives Robert wants to have. His anger is directed at them and they better run because Robert has a gun in hand. This could be interpreted as reckless song that individuals should not be exposed to or it could be looked at as a message. The message is  that you never know what is happening inside a person. The instrumentals and different auto tunes the voices are put into represent this persons mind well.  In an interview for this article, Foster the People said they had no comment on specifics of the song; they want people to interpret it the way they want to. They do not care about the hate they get on the song. Everybody views things differently. "Pumped up Kicks" is a very attractive song instrumental wise however, lyric wise it depends on how you choose to view it.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tuesday, September 9 - Film Review

                                  By: Ingrid Butler

        Hugo was a poor representation of the imaginative story in the book, Hugo Cabret.
The writers for the movie obviously had no passion for the story- they were only after money. This fail of a movie did not get nearly the money the expected nor did it tell the story correctly. The characters were of in their individuality. Hugo, the main character was not at all like he was in the book (a spunky, imaginative boy.) In this movie adaptation he was simply a reckless child. Save yourself the time and money and do not go see this film. One minor pro of the movie was the fact that they at least got the setting right. It is in the city with clocked all around. I do not however, remember Hugo singing in musical number in the book. This is not a musical it is meant to be a lesson teaching story. Not everything has to be turned into some cheesy Hollywood adaptation. The author of this book deserves an apology as I'm sure people are not going to go buy his book after the absurdity of the film. In the end, Hugo was a major disappointment and I would strongly recommend not seeing it. Save your movie for something worthwhile


Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday, September 8- America, Fairyville?

                                            The Color of the Leaves

                Mariska the fairy looks out her dorm window as she wakes. She looks over distastefully at her human roommate, Ana. Ana doesn't know Mariska is a fairy. Mariska came here to the human world for adventure. She wanted to experience what the humans had. However, the human world was not as magical as she expected. She is in an art college of course. Her talent as a fairy is the art of the seasons. Those beautiful, warm colors you see at fall? That is all Mariska. Mariska thinks she won't stay in the human world for long. It gets uncomfortable to hide her wings all the time and, she would rather pant with her magic than a paint brush. Ana is awake now, she rolls her eyes at Mariska. It is safe to say the roomates do not get along. Mariska stays up all night and causes Ana to lose sleep. Ana always makes a mess out of the room. Mariska slams the door on her way out. That will teach her she thinks. Mariska drags herself into her first class, Modern Art 3. These humans have no talent. They simply paint with paint brushes on dead trees and the paint is manmade. 20 more mintues of this dreadful class. Mariska fiddles  in her seat. She is itching to fly. The leaves outside are not changing colors as they normally do at this time. Mariska finally can't take it. She pops out her huge, luminescent wings and smiles as the naïve humans all stare and gasp. Mariska flies out of the school returing to her normal tiny shape as soon as the crisp air hits her. With a wave of her finger the leaves change into the orange, red, and even burnt yellow colors that they are supposed to. The sky gets a little darker. Mariska promises herself she will never return to the human world again.