Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday,November 12- The Haunted House

                                                    Just Another Night

                  The Lady waits for the children to get home every night. She hovers in the corner patiently. The children's parents never believe the fright and horror they discover. Tonight they will believe. The Lady waits for the parents today. She waits silently in the corner of the dim bedroom. She waits until they are almost asleep. Then she gracefully floats from her corner and hovers over them as she lets out a blood curdling scream only they can hear. Their eyes fly open in fright and they see The Lady's jagged teeth and transparent eyes. Heir hair which is made of tiny fanged creatures scream with her for the entire night. The screams only get louder and the parents cannot escape. Doors lock and the ignorant parents are paralyzed by The Lady's power. They feel the pain of burning to death but are unmarked. All night this goes on. Until, it stops as soon as the first glimmer of light appears. The parents fly into their children's room and hug them to make sure they are safe and, they also need comfort. They tell their children they believe and the children surprisingly tell them they do not believe them. They must have imagined things. The Lady smiles in her corner, awaiting another night.

1 comment:

  1. oooh, creepy. I am just glad the children don't get hurt!
