Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday, August 29 - Two Moons

                   The Great  Discovery

      "Boss the radar is detecting a grade 7 storm that
will occur soon." Sunday, one of the researchers, says urgently.  "Five more minutes." Dr. Zaan says. They are on the verge of a huge scientific discovery - the proof of a super black hole in the ocean. It would lead to another planet possibly. Dr. Zaan had his researchers take samples and scans of the water and air around in this part of the ocean. The air has a different current in  this certain part of the ocean. Suddenly it starts raining from the gloomy gray clouds over head. The waves start to get angry and the submarine starts to rock back and fourth. "Boss we are going to be stuck in the storm if we don't move out now." Sunday says. Dr. Zaan is not listening he is staring at a strange whirlpool that has formed in the midst of the storm. The wind and waves really amp up now. The submarine is sucked into the whirl pool. People are screaming. Everything is black. Suddenly the windows of the sub show a beautiful calming orange- blue sunset. Everybody gets up amazed that they survived the storm. Dr. Zaan  tries to detect land and their current location. All the screens show is dark ness. "Open the top of the sub so we can properly view our surroundings." he orders. A dazed intern presses the button to open the top. Te researchers are overwhelmed by a huge glowing light. "The moon sure does look massive tonight." Sunday says. Dr. Zaan with wide eyes is practically tripping over himself when he sees it. Not only is there one massive moon, there is also a normal sized moon to the right of it. Dr. Zaan claps and points frantically. "Oh hes gone mad now." Don, his highest ranked researcher, says. All the researchers roll their eyes and look to where Dr. Zaan is pointing. Then the smug grins on their faces disappear. They see the two moons and the constellations are very unfamiliar. The realization that this is not home hits them like a wall.
        Everybody has been quiet for hours now. They don't know what to do. Dr. Zaan is the only sound in the silence. He just keeps whispering, "I was right. I was right." The group is scared. What if the life forms on this planet are unfriendly. Weird bird-raccoon creatures keep circling the sky above the submarine. They reach land finally. "Do we get off?" Sunday asks. "Why of course!" Dr. Zaan proclaims. (20 years later) "The award for the discovery of the black hole that leads to other galaxies and planets goes to... Dr. Zaan Riccardo!" Dr. Zaan looks at his team and they all remember that storm that led them to the best discovery of their lives. As well as unforgettable experiences.

1 comment:

  1. I like the topic of including a black hole on Earth; it adds a "wait?" moment to the story where viewers kind of have to think about how this could happen, but I feel that things are rushed in some of your writings to where things are to quick. Overall great job!
