Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday, August 25 - Literary Character


                        "Fade..... what a weird name." the girl beside him whispers when his name is called. It is the first day of Fade's senior year in high school. One more year of dealing with this. Fade has never fit in, not that he wants to. Pointed stares are directed towards him as he sits alone in the back row in class. They are staring because of his name for one and also his appearance. Fade knows this. His pale skin combined with the shock of black hair and dark eyes makes for a dark look. He is rather tall and wears a plain black t-shirt with a pair of worn jeans and combat boots. Fade stares back at all the people. Yes I'm not like you he thinks. The bell rings. "Thank goodness." Fade mutters bitterly. Where could Deuce be? His equally out casted girlfriend is the only reason he makes it through each day in this prison they call "school". The rest of the day goes by and no sign of Deuce.He scans the parking lot. All the sudden Deuce is sprinting towards his car with a huge smile on her face. She is always so happy. Fade smiles for the first time that day. "So, how was your first day in this fun place?" Deuce asks. "Brutal as always." Fade replies. They obviously did not have any classes together. This was going to be a tough semester. Fade starts on the long walk home.
                   When Fade gets to his most recent foster home nobody is home. Shocker. Fade runs up the wooden stairs that seem like they will cave in on themselves any moment. He throws his backpack on the poor excuse for a mattress that is pushed in the corner. He puts his hands on his face and thinks about his father. Why did he have to get sick? Fade knows his dad would be furious if he knew how Fade lived. Fade had a different foster home almost every other month. Fade wished his father could be here more than anything. He lays down on the mattress and closed his eyes. One more year. You can make it... he thought to himself.

(Razorland trilogy. Fade is a main character in this.)

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