Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Wednesday, September 3 - Newspaper Article Rewrite

      Uncureds and Contamintated Foods

                                           By: Isabella Burlingame
            As the work months end and the uncureds are out of the cureds constant supervision, they will be tempted to eat contaminated foods. At their assigned academic course where they will be during the day, only decontaminated food will be provided. However, when the uncureds are out of academics on weekends they have potential access to contaminated food. Studies have shown uncureds consume 30% more contaminated foods on weekends. In order to stabilize our uncureds and keep them healthy until their curing day comes, we need to restrict their time away from us cureds so we see everything they are eating. Uncureds are in desperate need of a nutritious diet consisting of highly processed foods and sugars.
-Example of a healthy day of decontamina-ted  food

            How are the uncured getting access to these contaminated foods called “fruits” and “vegetables” ? They are receiving these foods from your so called friends or family. In the Old Country people used to grow up uncured forever. People are still doing this now undercover. We call them the resistance. Your own uncureds have had blood tests that show traces of evidence they are eating these foods from these sick people. A diet of these “fruits and vegetables” can cause you to be weaker, have loss of vision, and even cause death. The cure may not even work correctly with these foods in your uncureds bodies. It would be a shame to have to have them sent to The Cells.
            Do not allow your uncureds to go out on their own anymore. They need constant supervision. These resisters are not only feeding them life threatening foods- they are teaching them the ways of the Old Country. How has the New Country of U.S. found all of this out? We discovered a teacher at one of the most looked up to academic courses giving out free what are called “apples” to their students. After the entire group and teacher had tests and samples taken they were thrown into The Cells. Do not let this happen to you or your uncured.
                        Contaminated v.s. Decontaminated Diets
            The results from the test of the group of resisters were astonishing. The resisters    had traces of vitamins and protein in their blood. These “vitamins” and “protein” are    things that cause you to have muscle weakness, loss of vision, and depression. The people acted like animals. This is what happens if you go against the cured. You hurt only yourself. Decontaminated diets allow you to be more relaxed, energized, and overall healthier. Do not let your cureds out of sight. Protect them and feed them a healthy diet. Their cure depends on it.


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