Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday, September 4 - Aliens in Egypt

                                                       King Tut and the Aliens

                        King Tutankhamun is sitting on his throne beside his wife, Ankhesenpaaten, he smiles. For the temple that honors their god, Amun, has just been finished. He can see it from his throne. King Tut stands up and walks towards the temple, his papyrus sandals scrape the ground as if moaning. "Everybody Out," he commands. Finally he alone. He bows his head and prays to his God. He prays for good fortune and a better rule than his father had. He prays that the child his wife is pregnant with is in good health and is a boy. As Tutankhamun walks out of the temple the ground shakes. All the sudden a blinding light and strong wind over takes him. An odd silver ship appears in front of him. "Show your face now," he exclaims. A green, bony arm with three fingers extends and so does the body attached to this arm. It is very tall- taller than King Tut who stands at 5"11. This creature must be at least 7". King Tut's hands are trembling but his dark eyes stay as hard as stone. "What is it you want?".  The alien starts speaking rather clearly actually. It says, "We are hear to honor you, for your people brought the God Amun back who we also worship." It went on to say it wanted to build a monmument in the King's honor. King Tut, after much thought, agreed. The catch was it would only be built after his death so his people would remember him.
                    (20 years later). The people of King Tut are in grieving. For their great King is dead. Somehow his body has already been places in the three giant pyramids. A note was left outside saying- we promised, now honor your king.

1 comment:

  1. There was a lot of detail. The reader can tell you were very prepared when you started writing about king tut. I also liked how the alien's worship the same god as Tut does; most people would expect an alien's religious practice to differ greatly from our own.
