Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday, August 29 - Two Moons

                   The Great  Discovery

      "Boss the radar is detecting a grade 7 storm that
will occur soon." Sunday, one of the researchers, says urgently.  "Five more minutes." Dr. Zaan says. They are on the verge of a huge scientific discovery - the proof of a super black hole in the ocean. It would lead to another planet possibly. Dr. Zaan had his researchers take samples and scans of the water and air around in this part of the ocean. The air has a different current in  this certain part of the ocean. Suddenly it starts raining from the gloomy gray clouds over head. The waves start to get angry and the submarine starts to rock back and fourth. "Boss we are going to be stuck in the storm if we don't move out now." Sunday says. Dr. Zaan is not listening he is staring at a strange whirlpool that has formed in the midst of the storm. The wind and waves really amp up now. The submarine is sucked into the whirl pool. People are screaming. Everything is black. Suddenly the windows of the sub show a beautiful calming orange- blue sunset. Everybody gets up amazed that they survived the storm. Dr. Zaan  tries to detect land and their current location. All the screens show is dark ness. "Open the top of the sub so we can properly view our surroundings." he orders. A dazed intern presses the button to open the top. Te researchers are overwhelmed by a huge glowing light. "The moon sure does look massive tonight." Sunday says. Dr. Zaan with wide eyes is practically tripping over himself when he sees it. Not only is there one massive moon, there is also a normal sized moon to the right of it. Dr. Zaan claps and points frantically. "Oh hes gone mad now." Don, his highest ranked researcher, says. All the researchers roll their eyes and look to where Dr. Zaan is pointing. Then the smug grins on their faces disappear. They see the two moons and the constellations are very unfamiliar. The realization that this is not home hits them like a wall.
        Everybody has been quiet for hours now. They don't know what to do. Dr. Zaan is the only sound in the silence. He just keeps whispering, "I was right. I was right." The group is scared. What if the life forms on this planet are unfriendly. Weird bird-raccoon creatures keep circling the sky above the submarine. They reach land finally. "Do we get off?" Sunday asks. "Why of course!" Dr. Zaan proclaims. (20 years later) "The award for the discovery of the black hole that leads to other galaxies and planets goes to... Dr. Zaan Riccardo!" Dr. Zaan looks at his team and they all remember that storm that led them to the best discovery of their lives. As well as unforgettable experiences.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Thursday, August 21 - Mystery Lady

                                                       The Lady
     The lady sits and waits in her old, wooden chair everyday. She waits for someone to notice her. She waits for her husband who will never be here again. Her clothes are of all different cloth. Her eyes have grown tired and red from the years of waiting. She is cold. The lady taps her long pointed nails on the arm of the chair. She sighs. It has been another day without him returning. The same thought that runs through her mind everyday comes to her again. Why did I have to get so angry. She looks at her wrinkled hands. These are the hands that killed him. The lady has a power like no other. She has not used her power in years because of what happened. The lady pets her black cat and waits another day. She waits for the end to come.


Wednesday, August 20 - Alter Ego

                                                              Who Are You Santa?

                    "Santa!" Mrs. Clause shouted. "I know!" he grumbled. It was the most miserable night of the year. Christmas Eve. Santa despised this every year. But, this night gave the best pay. Santa got milk and cookies all year however, the milk and cookies he would gather from every good boy and girl this Christmas were the best. This was the only reason Santa kept working every year. He could retire but the pay was to good. Santa looked at the "good" and "bad" list. This list was really just of kids who were good if they put out milk and cookies and bad if they didn't. Santa was forced by the head of The North Pole to bring gifts. Sad, considering it would be so easy to simply take the milk and cookies without offering a present to. Santa looked up at the sleigh in his dark black jacket and pair of jeans (yes Santa does not dress in a obnoxious red suit). He let out a sigh and climbed into the newly polished, gray sleigh. "On Dasher on Dancer on Prancer on Vixen on Conner and Cupid and  Donner and Blitzen! Over 2 million kids did not get presents that night. They should have left cookies Santa thought.

Thurday, August 28 - Space,2199

                                                               The End

             Today is the day. The day we all predicted. Well, the day I predicted... Nora thinks to
herself. Nobody believes Nora that today is the end for everybody. She tried to warn them all. Everybody thinks she's crazy. How could a perfect world be destroyed? The pollution and toxins that the earth and other planets with life gives off has finally caused  the galaxy to suffer. It lasted a long time - all the way to year 2199. Thankfully, Nora has no friends or family to have to say goodbye to unless you count Hank. Hank is Nora's boss and, weirdly sometimes he is her friend. Hank is the only one who believes her and he has spent days crying in his safe of money. Hank is a filthy rich rapper. He is a "god" to some people. Hank doesn't want to lose this luxurious life. "Where is my LATTE?!" Hank yells to one of his assistants. Nora sighs. You would think that there would be a brilliant philosopher and the head of a scientific company but no, they have Hank. Nora looks at the clock one hour before the end.
            Hank is yelling and hitting people we have 5 seconds. Nora sits down and shuts her eyes. All her work was for nothing. She discovered the cure for cancer only to have the people die. To bad these people don't know what is about to happen. One second..... BOOM! Everything is shaking and rattling the ceiling collapses. Hank grabs his money and tries to run away. It's to late a huge chunk of the ceiling lands on him and he is killed instantly. Nora has a panged of sadness for a split second but then realizes nothing matters anymore. Her eyes and mouth are filled with rubble and dust. She faintly hears people screaming. Everything is bright. With Nora's last breath she thinks goodbye Milky Way- sorry we destroyed you. 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wednesday, August 27 - Animal Invention

                                                  Sniff Detector?

         Dogs have a really great sense of smell. They know right where to go if you have food anywhere in the house even if the food is concealed. Certain dogs are trained to sniff out poisoned/spoiled food or even drugs. Who has the time and money to buy a dog and train it for these things? There should be an invention that does this stuff for you. It could be a gadget that you simply place in front of the thing you want it to detect and it will say if it is clear or not. This is great if you don't quite know if a certain food is expired or not. The police force could also use this because they do not have a dog on hand at all times for drugs. This gadget is a subtle way to check for drugs because it could be small and concealed. A dog is not very subtle. It could also check for buried humans if they got stuck in an avalanche or it is a murder case. The name could be the "Sniff Detector". This could also sniff out the difference in the salt and sugar for example if you are baking and get confused. This " Sniff Detector would be a useful tool all around the world. It is like the sense of smell a dog has without the hassle and the smell is heightened.

Article on the dog's sense of smell-

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday, August 26 - Concert

                                                    Beach Camp 2014

                                   The room in the hotel where we will be having worship for our youth beach camp is wonderful. There are lights everywhere and the room is illuminated with a relaxing blue color. People are packed together with huge smiles on there faces. We know it is going to be a good night even though it  is our last here. The band starts playing. "Who's ready to worship tonight!" the lead singer shouts. Everybody starts clapping and dancing. It is an overjoying experience. Throughout the night the big group of people in the room seem to be connected by this music. We all are lifting our hands and praising God. It is an experience no one will forget. My favorite song that is played that night is The Rock Won't Move. The crowd is singing so loud that we can barely hear the band anymore. I never want it to end.  We leave the room that seems plain now that the music and lights are gone. However, I know what happened between all the people in the room that night was not plain at all. It was glorious.

            Below are a list of my favorite songs that played that night:
The Rock Won't Move -

Beautiful Things-

Grace So Glorious-

Exalted One -

Oceans -


Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday, August 25 - Literary Character


                        "Fade..... what a weird name." the girl beside him whispers when his name is called. It is the first day of Fade's senior year in high school. One more year of dealing with this. Fade has never fit in, not that he wants to. Pointed stares are directed towards him as he sits alone in the back row in class. They are staring because of his name for one and also his appearance. Fade knows this. His pale skin combined with the shock of black hair and dark eyes makes for a dark look. He is rather tall and wears a plain black t-shirt with a pair of worn jeans and combat boots. Fade stares back at all the people. Yes I'm not like you he thinks. The bell rings. "Thank goodness." Fade mutters bitterly. Where could Deuce be? His equally out casted girlfriend is the only reason he makes it through each day in this prison they call "school". The rest of the day goes by and no sign of Deuce.He scans the parking lot. All the sudden Deuce is sprinting towards his car with a huge smile on her face. She is always so happy. Fade smiles for the first time that day. "So, how was your first day in this fun place?" Deuce asks. "Brutal as always." Fade replies. They obviously did not have any classes together. This was going to be a tough semester. Fade starts on the long walk home.
                   When Fade gets to his most recent foster home nobody is home. Shocker. Fade runs up the wooden stairs that seem like they will cave in on themselves any moment. He throws his backpack on the poor excuse for a mattress that is pushed in the corner. He puts his hands on his face and thinks about his father. Why did he have to get sick? Fade knows his dad would be furious if he knew how Fade lived. Fade had a different foster home almost every other month. Fade wished his father could be here more than anything. He lays down on the mattress and closed his eyes. One more year. You can make it... he thought to himself.

(Razorland trilogy. Fade is a main character in this.)

Friday, August 22, 2014

Friday, August 22 -Wacky Words


                            The sickness I have been having started of okay then it got corrupted
                                                           I feel like I am wasting away
                                       Of course I know sickness comes with tons of issues
                                                       Such as having to use gallons of tissues
                                                   However I am tired of using up all the tissues
                                                    This corrupt world caused me to be this way
                                    When corrupt people don't wash their corrupt hands it makes me say "Hey!"
                                                      The tissues are starting to pile
                                 Leaving my corrupted bedroom without anything as simple as a walking isle
                                                     This sad corrupt corrupt world
                                                          My sad corrupt issues
                                                       Have made me hate tissues
                                                           I hate being sick
                                     Especially having to use all these tissue......tissues...tissues...."ACHOOO!"
                                     Someone in this corrupt nasty world bring me more of those tissues
                                                        corrupt world corrupted sickness
                                                        Stupid stupid tissues
                                                                I hate tissues     

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tuesday, August 19 - Scariest Place

                                                         The House

         The house is in the woods where no one ever goes. It has tall spiked gates in front that always seem to be opening and closing. No one lives in this house. At least they haven't for a long time. One simple gaze at the house will send you into terror. There are bones on the dead grass. Bones of the house's past victims.The house is slightly bent to the side and is made of all different types of old, rotting wood. The tall gray door is stained with red hand prints that turn into lines as they are seemingly being dragged in. Inside the house there is a vile smell. The spell is of rotting meat and stale blood. The house does not like visitors. Whoever dares to step foot into the house never makes it out.Who knows what happens to them. Screams that do not even sound human are the only sounds that ever come out of the house. Doors fling open and closed at random points. Windows shatter. The air  only around the house constantly stirs. Forever this house will have and evil, outraged presence within. Do you dare to step in the house?

Friday, August 15, 2014

Friday, August 15 - Kindergarten

                                                            FIRST DAY

                           Today is the first day of kindergarten. I am SO excited. My mom is very sad, I don't  understand why. Lets hope she doesn't embarrass me when we get to the school. "I want to go through the car rider line like the big kids!," I say. "No honey, why don't I walk you in you are probably nervous right?" I don't understand why she keeps acting like I'm the one who is nervous. It is obviously her. We park in the crowded parking lot filled with what seems like a sea of other kids my age. Some of the children are crying, others are just as excited as I am. My mom makes sure my pink ruffled is dress is straight and my purple backpack has everything in it. Finally, time to go inside! I can't wait to meet my teacher and new friends. I just wish my my mother would stop hugging me. We are at the doors now. I look up at my mom's upset face and say,"Don't cry until you get into the car!" She covers her face and asks for one more hug. Rolling my eyes, I walk away into this new adventure of kindergarten.
                                     I walk down the multi colored hall and into my classroom. The teacher, Mrs. Green, meets me at the door and says, "Isabella right? I met your mommy on parent night, she is very sweet. Lets help you find your desk" . My desk is in a group with three other girls named; Natalie, Sascha, and Brittani. They are very nice. We talk about how cool the room is. Our theme is dogs and everywhere has paw print themed table cloths, rugs, even our name cards have dogs! Dogs are my favorite animal. After the whole half day which consisted of recess, coloring, and playing with all the neat toys in the classroom- the day had come to an end. It was an amazing day! Sadly, I have to go home now. As, soon as I get in the car my mother turns around and hugs me. This day was harder for her than me. I smile and think of the joyous school days to come.


Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thursday, August 14 - Gross

                                                                Veggie Burger

                           Recently, I have become a vegetarian. I have not found that I crave many foods
 I used to eat however, last month I really wanted a burger. Obviously I cannot eat a normal one.
Luckily, my mother and I found out that Red Robin makes veggie burgers. Perfect right? I ordered the burger which had a marvelous description of; a veggie patty on a whole grain sesame seed bun with lettuce, tomatoes, and Dijon mustard. Sounded good to me. I was soon to have a change of heart as far as this burger was concerned.
                         The waitress soon brought out our food and immediately when I saw the patty of the burger I got a little timid about it. It was almost yellow in color and was falling apart already. I just thought that maybe it would taste better. So, I took my first bite. Oh no. The taste was actually not awful ( tasted of mushrooms and onion). The texture was slimy, spongy, and in no way kept its form. This veggie burger was so repulsive I just took the poor excuse for a patty off and ate the lettuce, tomato and bun on its own. If you are vegetarian please save yourself and do not order the veggie burger at Red Robin - stick to a salad instead.

Listening to Xscape by Michael Jackson
              Favorite songs on album:

          -     Blue Gangsta
          -     Slave to the Rhythm
          -     Do you know where your children are?

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Wednesday, August 13 - Animal

                                                                  Old Dog

           Being old is hard....especially as a dog. It's 5:00am why does this man have to get up early everyday and leave me. I'm so tired I don't want to get up but, I have to make sure he is okay before work. *stretch* Gosh I wish he wouldn't keep walking up and down the stairs my joints hurt you know! Oh he is leaving now.....why does he have to leave again? Bye Dad!!! Better go back to sleep. Mom is up now *sigh* its still so early but I have to get up with her because the kids will be up soon and they will all leave me. Where do they go? The children sure are taking a long time to get up and I'm not as patient as I used to be. Better go bark at them. Yay now everyone is awake and I can make sure they are all okay before they leave! Can I have some of that food on the table? I promise I will never ask again. These people never give me their food...I only get my plain dog food. Oh bye family have a nice day...wherever you are going without me. I'm tired again... all that walking up and down the stairs was hard. I'm going back to sleep now so I can rest before my family gets home. Oh no! I slept through my family getting home hope they are okay without me being there. Is it dinner? Well I guess this plain food will do. I haven't been outside all day *BARK!* It's so nice out here, the sun is so warm I could...almost....fall.... Did I fall asleep out here?! Oh no that's the third time this week. I hope they didn't forget I was out here *BARK!* That was a close one. Well time to go to bed for me. Hmmm... I want to go upstairs to my bed but there are so much stairs. I'm just going to sleep under this chair. Goodnight family.
 Note: This post was about my own dog and his everyday life.  He is 17 (human years) old and looks very similar to the dog in the picture. He is a Dashund/Cocker-spaniel or a Docker. (link to info about Dockers if you are curious)