Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday, November 21-Ekphrasis

                                                 Girl with a Pearl Earring

Painted By :Johanne Vermeer
                                                      The girl is alone
                                                         she ran away                            
                                                  away from her problems
                                                  away from her husband
                                                     he can't find her
                                                she has nothing left
                                             nothing but the pearl earrings
                                                           nothing else


      - information on the famous painting

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday, November 20-Emotions

                                            No Voices

       There is a constant battle in my head between all other emotions and anger. They are not little, separate voices in my head; they are my own thoughts and feelings. I hate the sound of people eating. I never know if I am just disgusted or angry. Most of the time it is both. My anger usually wins the battle over joy. For example, anger creeps in when people invade my personal space. I could choose to find good in the situation but, anger always wins. The one thing anger never wins to is fear. Fear throws itself at me when I see a bug or watch a scary movie. I could just be angry about the situation and toughen up sadly, you will find me running away in fear. Anger and sadness are often the same thing for me. I am sad when I am angry and vise versa. In the end, anger seems to be my most prominent emotion. It is not a little voice; it is just me.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Tuesday, November 18- Treason and Historical Fiction

October 14, 1912
                    An unemployed saloonkeeper shot (former) president Theodore Roosevelt as he was about to give a 90-minute speech. Instead of heading straight to the hospital, Roosevelt insisted on still delivering the speech. He slowly asked the people to be as quiet as possible. Secondly, he said, "I don't know whether you fully understand I have been shot." The audience looked at him with shocked and terrified faces as he continued with his speech. He explained how the papers of his speech might of saved his life. He ignored the please from the crowd for him to go to the hospital until he was finished with his shorter yet effective speech. Roosevelt then continued to the hospital. His attempted assailant was captured and declared guilty and mentally ill in trial. The bullet was decided to be kept inside of Roosevelt for it was safer to do so. Roosevelt lived up to the quote of the editor-in-chief of Outlook," Roosevelt is an electric battery of inexhaus Roosevelt Assassination Attempttible energy.                                                                     

Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday, November 27- FOUND Poem


                                                How will I get out?
                                              How will I get home?
                                                   I have no way
                                                   I have a plan
                                                I'm coming home

Friday, November 14, 2014

Thursday, November 13- The Macabre Arts

                    Pain is everywhere. There is no escape. It is crowded. People scream tortuous sounds all around me. We are all starving. We are all dead. They can't save us. No one can.

Friday, November 14- The Berlin Wall

                          The Berlin Wall

         The wall is coming down today. People are running to the wall screaming with joy. They climb over. Some stay and throw or use whatever they can to damage the wall. I am running to the wall and then I climb over. It takes effort, but I manage. I jump down run. I have no idea where to go but, I will find them. I have to find my family. I had the baby right before the wall was built. Then, I was separated from them. I thought it wouldn't be long but it was. Apparently  I am a fascist. That is why they separated us. I run through the wave of people until I see someone. She is my mother. We have an emotional reunion then, she tells me I need to know something. She tells me my husband and baby are dead. The tried to escape over the wall. I sat down and shut my eyes and cried. I had waited all this time for the wall to come down and now I am left with nothing. -link about the Berlin Wall

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday,November 12- The Haunted House

                                                    Just Another Night

                  The Lady waits for the children to get home every night. She hovers in the corner patiently. The children's parents never believe the fright and horror they discover. Tonight they will believe. The Lady waits for the parents today. She waits silently in the corner of the dim bedroom. She waits until they are almost asleep. Then she gracefully floats from her corner and hovers over them as she lets out a blood curdling scream only they can hear. Their eyes fly open in fright and they see The Lady's jagged teeth and transparent eyes. Heir hair which is made of tiny fanged creatures scream with her for the entire night. The screams only get louder and the parents cannot escape. Doors lock and the ignorant parents are paralyzed by The Lady's power. They feel the pain of burning to death but are unmarked. All night this goes on. Until, it stops as soon as the first glimmer of light appears. The parents fly into their children's room and hug them to make sure they are safe and, they also need comfort. They tell their children they believe and the children surprisingly tell them they do not believe them. They must have imagined things. The Lady smiles in her corner, awaiting another night.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Friday, November 7- Ewww....that's creepy!

                                 No Job For You

                                  The man killed her he did
                                       One stab in the chest
                                      One bullet in the head
                                      He took her life, not I
                                        For this, I see red
                                     It is blood that I breath
                                         It is lives that I take
                                        No job for a mortal
                                          What a mistake
                                     He thought he could finally live
                                     without the adulterous wife
                                        But, he will pay the price
                                          He owes me a life

                              The crimson curtains of his living room sway
                                           I smell the life in the air
                                                 Today is the day
                                               It is time for him to go
                                   The smell of rotting flesh fills the air as well
                               I suppose he failed to dispose of his wife
                                   That is the beauty of the way I take lives
                             I don't have to worry about the evidence left behind
                                     One look from me and you are gone
                                   The breath snatched out of your chest
                                  The color drained from your cheeks
                                 And I'm left with one more piece
                                           to this puzzle I am making
                                                   of souls long gone
                                   The man looks at me and fear strikes his face
                                                  then nothing at all
                                              his eyes are left blank